Educational Grant Application

The Educational Grants Program fosters creativity and rewards innovation. Great ideas and creative opportunities are set aside all too often due to a lack of funding. Every child deserves to benefit from their teacher's innovative ideas and enthusiasm.

Topeka Public Schools Foundation grant-funded projects touch the lives of over 9,000 students each year. Grant requests are reviewed by an allocations panel to identify annual awardees. Funds are awarded for educators to use from November through April, with exceptions made for summer projects.

More information

Applications End September 6, 2024
Email *
Project Title *
Date of Application *
School's Name *
School Phone Number *
School's Address *
Applicant's Name *
Applicant's Phone Number *
Applicant's Email Address *
Fax Number *
Name of others associated with this project *
Describe your project and a plan of action in 75 words or less *
What are the goals of this project? *
What classroom or school needs, problems or opportunities does this project address? *
Describe the number of students impacted by this project and the student population makeup *
Give your time schedule for implementing this proposal. All grant money must be spend by the end of April. *
How much money are you requesting? 

Provide a detailed budget of items requested for this grant. Be sure to describe any other funding you have for this project. Include shipping expenses, and other sundry or hidden costs! Classroom education expenses are frequently sales-tax free, so remember to ask.
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