SpaceTech Analytics Database Contribution
SpaceTech Analytics (STA) is a strategic analytics agency focused on markets in the Space Exploration, Spaceflight, Space Medicine, and Satellite Tech industries. The range of activities includes research and analysis on major areas of high potential in the SpaceTech industry, maintaining profiling of companies and governmental agencies based on their innovation potential and business activity, and providing consulting and analytical services to advance the SpaceTech industrial sector.

The agency is endeavoring to create a "Space Relevance Classification" in order to rank all the industry entities by how involved they are in the space industry, allowing us to focus on the most relevant space companies for our most advanced research and analytics.

If you have received the email with the request to fill out this form, it means that we have already included your company in the first iteration of our analytical report that was released several weeks ago. It can be accessed free of charge on our website via the link:

We plan to do a second iteration of the report along which will include the "Space Relevance Classification". For this purpose, it is important to contact you for proper validation of the information we currently have on your company. We will greatly appreciate it if you could spend what we understand is your valuable time to fill out a fourteen-question form for us. It should take no longer than a few minutes.

Thank you in advance.

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Company Name *
E-mail address
1. How would you describe your company in relation to the SpaceTech industry? *
2. How many people are employed by your company?
3. What is your annual revenue? (We understand that this may not be public information in some cases, but we need to know this at least approximately in order to estimate the overall market size of the SpaceTech industry.)
4. In what country(s) does your company operate, and where is it headquartered?
5. Please provide a brief description of your company.
6. In what space subsector does your company operate?
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Is space technology a core for your company's operation/production?
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Does your company have at least one department or direction of activity, that works for the SpaceTech industry?
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Does your company have a subsidiary or/and acquisition company that work for SpaceTech industry?
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