APPLICATION: Business Soul Mastermind

I’m so excited that you’re here and considering joining the Bold Soul Mastermind. This is the first step toward a year of deep transformation, powerful growth, and stepping fully into the bold leader you’re meant to be.

If you want to learn more about BSM -> start here!

This application is designed to help me understand where you are in your business journey, what your goals are, and how I can best support you in reaching them. Take your time, answer from the heart, and know that this is a space where your vision, challenges, and dreams are all welcomed.

I can’t wait to read your responses and explore how we can make magic together!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Date *
Name (first + last): *
Best email address: *
Phone number: *
Link your social media profiles below. *
Tell me more about your business - Who do you help? What do you sell?
Check all the areas you're craving support in your business: *
What are 3 goals / milestones you'd love to hit over our year together? What would be the "OMG, I can't believe this is happening!" thing for you to experience? *
How long have you been in business? *
What range does your current monthly income fall under? *
Which energy do you most naturally embody in your business? *
Why do you want to work with a coach? What draws you to working with Claudia?  *
What has gotten in the way of you being where you want to be in your business? *
On a scale from 1-10, how committed are you to reaching the goals you identified above? (1 being "not very much," 10 being "I'm ready to commit 100%.") * *
Not very much
I'm ready to commit 100%
I am interested in: *
If accepted, do you have the resources to invest now? *
Need a quick chat to feel it out?
Is there anything else you want me to know? *
Thanks for sharing your bold vision and goals with me! This application helps me get a feel for how we can work together to make big moves in your business. I’ll be in touch soon to let you know if you’re in!
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