Quiz#49 (Maven 6) - CPSAT Foundation Preparation Series
Quiz by Agile Testing Alliance 
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It is mandatory to specify the version of a Maven plugin in the pom.xml.
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All Maven plugins are stored in the plugins directory of the project.
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In Maven, archetype is a project templating toolkit.

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A snapshot in Maven is a stable version.

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Using Maven ensures that your code is bug-free.
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In Maven, you can define properties to parameterize values in pom.xml.
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A Maven goal can be mapped to multiple phases.
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In Maven, it is not possible to exclude certain dependencies.
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In Maven, the install phase comes before the compile phase.
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A single Maven build can produce multiple artifacts.
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The pom.xml file contains the project dependencies and plugins.
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In Maven, the groupId uniquely identifies your project.
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It's mandatory to have a pom.xml file in every Maven project.
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If one module in a multi-module build fails, the whole build fails.
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It's considered a best practice to hard-code version numbers in pom.xml.
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A reactor sort orders modules alphabetically.

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The settings.xml file is located inside the project directory.
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Dependency resolution in Maven is done at compile-time only.
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In Maven, profiles can be used for conditional build setup.
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The pom.xml file defines project dependencies.
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