Rogers Elementary After School Program 2024-2025
The After School Program begins when school ends at 3:35 and goes until 6:00.  Parents can pick up students at anytime before 6:00. Students will be served a snack and will have an opportunity to work on homework.  They will also have opportunities to play. The program will begin on the first day of school. The program will be at Rogers Elementary and is open to students in PK-4 through 5th grade. The After School Program WILL NOT be held on days we have an early release.

The cost will be the same as last year- $105 per month August through May. PAYMENT for the month is DUE by the 10th OF EACH MONTH. Payment can be made by cash or check at the Administration Building, or we can accept online payments through the Online Store on the District Website (
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I would like to sign my child up for the Rogers Elementary After School Program. *
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