NFD 100th Parade - Pre Registration 
Thank you for your interest in making our 100th year anniversary Newport Fire Company celebration even more fantastic with your participation in our parade.  Please answer the following questions so we can anticipate our numbers, and help to make this as organized as we can. 

The parade will be held on: 
Saturday Aug. 2, 2025 
@ 12 noon, 
Arrive staging area from 9:00am to 11:00am, if apparatus arrives in staging area past 11am - it will be ineligible to be judged.

If you would have any questions, please contact
717-567-3232 option 4
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Judged Groups/Floats/Marching Unit - Without Music-
 Categories and Prizes
Apparatus Prizes
Contact information
Please complete the following questions to pre-register
Contact First Name *
Contact Last Name *
Contact Phone *
Is this number a cell phone with texting capabilities  *
Contact Email *
Contact Mailing Address *
Group Name Participating *
Please give a brief description of your group.  This should be about your history, members or anything relevant.  This will be read to announce your group in the viewing booth during the parade route. *
Are you a musical group?  *
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