The Trust Scorecard - by TrustXP
Welcome to the Trust Scorecard! Trust is a perception. Whether your company is trusted by its employees, is derived from the opinion of your colleagues.

Trust of employees is measured in four components: competence, fairness, identification and reciprocity.

By completing the Trust Scorecard you get an overview of your own trust experience. After completing the 14 questions, you will receive a guide including what employee trust is, how it works, the elements it exists of, and what you could do to improve it, straight into your inbox. This assessment is a small taster of our Trust Measurement.

We trust this will be useful!

Timen Baart
CEO of TrustXP

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We love to explain you more and tailor your trust scorecard to your organisation during a 30-minute call. If you like us to call you, please leave your phone number below.
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