Prima Dance Co - Interest Form
Please let us know your feedback. Thanks!
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How old is your child? 
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What dance styles are they interested in?
What days and times work best for you?
Have another child interested? How old is your child?
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What dance styles are they interested in?
What days and times work best for you?
Interested in adult group fitness classes while your child takes class? 
Our goal is to provide many stage performance opportunities for you child. Which would you be interested in?
Interested in dance competitions?
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What did you like most and least about your child's dance studio experiences in the past?
Would you like to be notified early when registration opens for 2024-2025? If so, please add your email. We won't spam you with anything else.
Would you like to be kept up to date with studio news? Opening dates & progress news. If, so please add your email. 
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