United Nations Association Australia NSW (UNAA NSW) has expanded its annual United Nations Day celebrations through its innovative 'Peace People Planet' school program calling upon NSW schools to observe the day on 24 October. Our purpose is to Inform, Inspire and Engage Australians for a sustainable, more fairer world. The UN Day School Program works with teachers and students - our future leaders and changemakers to achieve this mission.
We invite schools to become UNAA NSW partners for nurturing more conscientious and responsible global citizens. Support is provided to registered schools to incorporate universal values of peace, equity, care for the environment and human rights by aligning their learning activities with the work of the UN and build on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Complete this registration form to confirm your interest in the program and to receive your complimentary copy of the United Nations Day Resource Pack for Schools and SDG Campaign Ideas. The teaching resources are aligned with the NSW curriculum. Registered schools will be invited to free teacher webinars and can also request individual sessions for their students.
Schools are expected to plan, implement and execute their activities and projects as part of their curriculum leading up to significant UN days or on the UN Day itself. They will be supported with ideas and resources in planning their activities.
A competitive Global Changemakers SDG Challenge was launched in 2023. The challenge encourages students to work in teams to nurture their critical thinking, innovation and collaborative skills as change makers of the future. Please indicate if you would also like to enrol your student teams for the SDG challenge.
Teams will be judged on their submissions and awarded the UNAA NSW School SDG Champion awards.
All participating schools will receive certificates for participating in a SDG aligned activity supporting the UN mission.