Civic Tech Jobs Roster Onboarding Form
Please complete this form to complete onboarding with Civic Tech Jobs. 

Questions: or message us on Slack at #civictechjobs
[First Name] [Last Name] *
Status *
Ignore this question [used for backend formating]
Email *
Phone Number *
Texting ok? (yes/no) *
Slack Name *
Slack Member ID *
GitHub ID
Ignore this question [used for backend formating]
Did you join complete the Hack 4 LA onboarding?
Ignore this question [used for backend formating]
Are you a HFLA Github Member *
Ignore this question [used for backend formating]
Did you turn on 2 factor authentication / set your profile to public (Required part of Hack 4 LA onboarding)
Ignore this question [used for backend formating]
Skills *
Skills interested in developing *
Availability (include timezone) *
LinkedIn Profile Link
Approx first start date (you can use todays date or onboarding date or first meeting you attended)
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