June 1, 12- 1pm MT Edmonton: Patrick Daglaris, Archivist, Oklahoma Oral History Research Program, OSU Library
Technical aspects of oral history. Q&A
This session will address all sorts of questions related to oral history technology, tools and hardware used such as recorders, software used, oral history project tracking sheet, collecting and storing metadata before the recording, Know how to record an interview on a variety of platforms including a digital recorder, a cell phone, or via online video chat software (like zoom); data types and files during the recording, preservation and storage devices and software, access copies and more.
Patrick Daglaris is the archivist for the Oklahoma Oral History Research Program at the Oklahoma State University Library. His interests include digital preservation, collection management, and discoverability of audiovisual materials and community engagement by archival institutions.
Cost: Free. Scroll down to register.
You can share this Registration link:
https://forms.gle/K353o37X9HHtpaeR7This is part of the Maskwacis Cultural College Microlearning Series and is open to the public.
Contact Manisha Khetarpal by email
mkhetarpal@mccedu.ca or call toll free: 1 866 585 3925