2021/22 Atlanta Staff Questionnaire (K-5)
This questionnaire is designed to gather general information about what you think and feel about your relationship with the school. In response to the questions asked below, please click on the button next to the answer that is closest to what you think or feel.

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I feel:
like I belong at this school *
that the staff cares about me *
that learning can be fun *
that learning is fun at this school *
recognized for good work *
intrinsically rewarded for doing my job well *
clear about what my job is at this school *
that others are clear about what my job is at this school *
I work with people who:
treat me with respect *
listen if I have ideas about doing things better *
My administrators:
treat me with respect *
are effective instructional leaders *
facilitate communication effectively *
support me in my work with students *
support shared decision making *
allow me to be an effective instructional leader *
are effective in helping us reach our vision *
I have the opportunity to:
develop my skills *
think for myself, not just carry out instructions *
I believe student achievement can increase through:
differentiating instruction *
effective professional development related to our vision *
integrating instruction across the curriculum *
teaching to the state standards *
the use of computers *
the used of varied technologies *
providing a threat-free environment *
close personal relationships between students and teachers *
addressing student learning styles *
effective parent involvement *
using ongoing student assessments related to state standards *
student self-assessments *
teacher use of student achievement data *
I love:
working at this school *
seeing the results of my work with students *
I believe:
every student can learn *
the instructional program at this school is challenging *
this school provided an atmosphere where every student can succeed *
quality work is expected of all students at this school *
quality work is expected of me *
quality work is expected of all the adults working at this school *
the vision for this school is clear *
the vision for this school is shared *
we have an action plan in place which can get us to our vision *
this school has a good public image *
it is important to communicate often with parents *
I communicate with parents often about their child's progress *
I communicate with parents often about class activities *
I work effectively with:
special education students *
English teachers *
ethnically/racially diverse students *
students who live in poverty *
low-achieving students *
Morale is high on the part of:
teachers *
students *
support staff *
administrators *
Student outcomes for my class(es) are clear to me *
Student outcomes for my class(es) are clear to my students *
Teachers in this school communicate with each other to make student learning consistent across grades *
I know the state standards *
I teach to the state standards *
Learning is fun in my classroom *
I love to teach *
What are the strengths of this school? *
What needs to be improved? *
For each item, please select the description that applies to you. These demographic data was used for summary analyses. Descriptions will not be reported if groups are so small that individuals can be identified.
I am a(n):
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For teachers only--I have been teaching:
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