Become a Retailer
The Lazy Dog & Co. Wholesale Account Application

Interested in setting up a wholesale account with us?

Please read and agree to our policies. Then submit the simple form on the next page.  We will contact you and let you know if we are able to do business at this time.  If your business does not fit our criteria, we will keep your contact information on file for future use.

The Lazy Dog & Co.'s Wholesale Account Requirements (“Reseller Requirements”):

1. Maintain up-to-date business information with us.  Please notify us immediately if your contact information changes, you open a new store location, or change your business name.
2. Let us know all locations where you are selling our products (including websites).
3. We currently sell through the following retailers:  brick & mortar stores, your own public e-commerce enabled websites, or temporary store-fronts (events, pop-up stores, etc.)
4. Sales on the following websites are prohibited: third party sites (e.g. Ebay), drop ship accounts (e.g.,,, classified sites (e.g., Facebook Marketplace), direct messages on forums, Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).
5. If you would like to sell on under your own company name, or on your own public e-commerce website, please check with us first for approval.
6. Be prepared to give us sell-thru information by SKU and retail location.
7. Comply with The Lazy Dog & Co.’s trademark and brand policies.  In your advertising and sales collateral, you agree to represent yourself as an authorized retailer of our products.  Please do not use unapproved marketing materials (including photos or written copy), and do not advertise our products in ways that violate the terms of these Reseller Requirements or our Minimum Advertised Price Policy.
8. Review and understand our Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policy.  Our MAP Policy is available on our website at
9. Do not sell or ship our products to international customers.
10. Please sell to your end consumers only.  Please do not sell our products to other retailers, B2B accounts, wholesalers, or freight forwarders.
11. Buy our products directly from us, and not from other retailers or sources not endorsed by us.

Failure to comply with all of the terms of the Reseller Requirements will result in suspension or termination of your account.

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