2022-2023 Christ UMC Youth Ministries Registration Form
This registration is effective September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023. All children (7th through 12th grade) participating in activities at CUMC must have a current registration form on file this includes our Music Programs, Confirmation classes, Sunday School, and Youth group. Confirmation Classes will now be led by Dayjoh King and are currently being held in person. Contact the church office at (215) 855-1643 or secretary@cumclansdale.org until we get Dayjoh's contact into place.
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Email *
Youth Information
Youth's Full Name *
Youth's Date of Birth *
Address *
Youth's Cell Phone and Email (if applicable) 
Youth's Grade (as of Sept 2022) *
Youth's School and District *
What groups will your child participate in? Check all that apply. *
Does your child play an instrument or have special talents? If so, please list/describe:
Is there any information you would like to share about your child that will enhance their participation and experience in the Youth Ministry Program (Sunday School, Youth Group, Youth Music, etc.)?
Youth's Allergies *
Youth's Medical Conditions and/or Limitations *
In the event of an emergency, I give the Youth Group leaders permission to secure any medical or dental treatment deemed necessary for my child from a licensed provider. I expect to be contacted as soon as possible. I agree not to hold Christ United Methodist Church, its staff or volunteers liable for any damages, losses, diseases, or injuries. (Please type your name here to indicate that you have read, understand and agree to the above statement. If there is more than one parent or legal guardian, please have each type their name.) *
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