Ancient Writing Workshop
Time: March 16th, 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Address: 102 Weaver Building, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA 16802
Contact: Stephen Wheeler, 

Thank you for your interest in the Ancient Writing Workshop! To create a personalized and engaging experience, please fill out our registration form. Your input about your experience, interests, and expectations will allow us to tailor the workshop to suit the curiosity of participants, ensuring a rewarding journey through the world of ancient languages and scripts.

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Your name *
Your contact (email or phone) *
Do you have any previous knowledge about any ancient language or script?
While demonstrations of writing in multiple ancient
languages (e.g., Egyptian, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, etc.) will occur between presentations, which of our four presentations do you wish to attend? (You may choose as many as you like)
Any additional comments or questions?
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