Product Submission Application
If you are interested in having your products featured/sold in Crossroads of Life Christian Bookstore you must first complete this Product Submission Form. Please carefully read and accept the Terms of Submission in order to complete your application:
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eFull Name *
Address *
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Zip code *
Cell phone *
Email Address *
Product Type (Please select one) *
Product Title *
Price of Product *
This form must first be submitted before Crossroads accepts any book, CD or other items for submission. If your items have been approved to be available in the store, Crossroads will stock them for three (3) consecutive months and will track their sales. At the end of this period, they will be reviewed for an extension of another three (3) months. If no sales have taken place, the items will be returned. Similarly, if Crossroads does not receive any contact from you within six (6) months of your items being in stock, they will automatically become the property of Crossroads Bookstore.
During the time that your products are at Crossroads, you are required to promote them through your own social media, website, blog, and email platforms. You will also be required to include Crossroads name, address and web address within your promotions. All items and materials submitted must allow one (1) month for review before a decision is made to stock your item.
Please sign your name that you agree with ALL of the terms by typing your name below: *
Date: *
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