DigitalOcean Meetup Talk Proposal Form
You're invited to speak at an upcoming DigitalOcean meetup! What would you like to share with your community? We're always on the lookout for great talks, demos, and presentations!
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Title of talk / demo / presentation *
Make it short, simple, and captivating.
Talk description *
What will attendees learn? What will make them say, "Wow! I'd love to see this!"?
Talk length (in minutes) *
Speaker biography *
Target audience *
Who will benefit most from this talk? What's its level of technical difficulty?
Ideally, which month would you like to present? *
Which meetup would you like to speak at? *
Enter the City/State/Country of the DigitalOcean Meetup(s) most easily accessible to you. Travel stipends are not available at this time.
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Anything else you'd like to share?
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