Request Free Licenses from Meister
Meister is partnering with Google to provide an exclusive offer to Google Certified Innovators and Trainers. Use this form to request your free license(s)!
Note: Please create a free Basic account on MindMeister or MeisterTask before submitting this form.
Email *
First Name *
Please provide your first name below.
Last Name *
Please provide your last name below.
Your Meister account email address *
Please provide the email address you used to create your free Basic account on MindMeister or MeisterTask so we can locate you in our system and upgrade your license right away.
Provide proof of your status as a Google Certified Trainer or Innovator *
Please paste the link to your profile in the Google for Education directory below so we can verify your status.
License for personal use *
You can request one fully-featured license, free for one year, for personal use. Please indicate below whether your license should be valid for MindMeister, MeisterTask, or both products.
Trial licenses for colleagues or students (optional)
If you would like to use Meister's tools with your colleagues or students, you can request up to 30 additional trial licenses, free for three (3) months. Note that by ordering these additional licenses, you consent to being contacted by a Meister representative before the 3-month trial is over, to discuss whether your institution would like to purchase these (or any number of) licenses using our educational discount. Please indicate how many additional licenses you would like to receive below.
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