KVMHA 2024 Coaching Application
This application is for anyone who wants to be involved on the bench this season - head coach, assistant coach, at large coach who helps out on the ice etc.
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Email *
Please state your name as it appears on your Hockey Canada account. *
Any nicknames or other names you prefer to use?
What is your address complete with postal code *
What is the best phone number to reach you at? *
What is your Hockey Canada Account Number? To find this number, go to https://register.hockeycanada.ca/home and login to your account to find it. *
Are you new to KVMHA but have coached or played hockey somewhere else in Canada? 
If so we will need to have your Hockey Canada account transferred to KVMHA for you to be able to be placed on a team roster. Our Registrar will take care of this.
Preferred Coaching Positions, Check all that apply *
Preferred Coaching Assignment - click all that apply *
Hockey Coaching Experience - Please list your coaching experience.  *
Please list your coaching courses/training you currently have. For a list of certifications required please visit www.hnb.ca *
Please confirm you will complete all required  coaching certifications and criminal record/vulnerable sector checks by December 15, 2024. *
By checking below, I agree to the following undertakings:
I hereby consent to disclose the above information.
It is within KVMHA's policies to have criminal record and vulnerable sector checks completed as required by provincial authorities.
I will abide by KVMHA/HNB policies and procedures. 
Typing your name below and the date will serve as a signature. *
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