CSA General Member Sign Up

Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of the CSA family and signing up as a CSA General Member. We are excited to bring a lot of fun and enjoyment to your 2020-2021 year. Please proceed with the form below to sign up for membership.

Please note that all of your personal information will be kept confidential. Contact information is needed in order to reach you about the club/event update(s). Please sign-up with your UWO email address.

If you have any questions, please feel free to check out our Clubs Week Zoom link to talk to a CSA representative or reach out to us on Facebook and one of our members will get back to you ASAP.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Program and Year of Study (Ex. Med Sci, 4th) *
Please proceed to the following link to pay for our membership fee. By becoming a general member, you will gain access to the events we program throughout the year as well as member perks such as discounts to local restaurants. https://www.westernusc.store/product/chinese-students-association/
Have you paid for the Membership on USC? *
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