Online ICAPS 2020? A Survey of Your Thoughts and Ideas
BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic calls the location of ICAPS 2020 in Nancy (currently planned for October 26 -- 30) into question. It seems unlikely that the entire community will be able to travel to Nancy; it is possible that Nancy will only be accessible for Europeans. We are hence seriously considering to move the conference completely online, as several other conference have already done.

GOAL FOR AN ONLINE EDITION: We see an online edition of ICAPS as an opportunity to explore new conference formats, for future editions to move towards environmental sustainability, and also to increase outreach to people who would normally not be able to travel to attend ICAPS. For example, ideas include choosing a variety of time slots such that everyone would be able to attend some sessions at convenient times, having more parallel sessions, and/or distributing the sessions across more days. Novel formats for workshops & tutorials could also be sought. Technical sessions relating to other fields could be promoted in those fields, with free online access. In short, there is a large design space we could try to make the best of, as a community.

DECISION DATE: Given the dynamics of the situation, in terms of travel possibilities a firm physical vs. online decision would have to wait until August. If the community views an online conference edition favorably, then the decision to go online may be taken much earlier.

PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY: We would like to acquire your feedback regarding the idea of an online conference per se, and regarding what you consider good points in the online-conference design space. We would like to hear your opinions about, and your ideas for, an online edition of ICAPS. In particular, we would like to get an opinion poll from the ICAPS community whether an online conference is viewed favorably.

We are also collecting initial data about potential physical travel in October, though it may be too early to say for many of you; we might follow this part of the survey up with another survey later on.

The survey is anonymous, but you are welcome to leave your name if you want.

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Online ICAPS Conference: Opinions and Ideas
This part of the questionnaire is about your attitudes towards, and ideas for, an online conference. Note that even if ICAPS is held physically, the organizers are committed to allowing remote participation as best as possible.
Assuming that in October still only a part of the community (like, 50%) will be able to travel to Nancy -- Do you prefer the conference to be physical or fully online? *
Are there any thoughts you would like to add regarding the previous question?
In general, not just concerning the 2020 edition -- Do you prefer ICAPS to be physical or fully online? *
Are there any thoughts you would like to add regarding the previous question?
How do you view the possibility to decide early on to go online, in June or July before travel possibilities in October become fully clear? *
Assuming ICAPS is a fully virtual online meeting, how and inhowfar do you intend to attend? *
Will your live participation in ICAPS be affected by the times that live sessions are held? *
An option could be to have much of the conference at times accessible to both Europe (afternoon) and the Americas (morning). But that would disregard other members of our community, in particular those located in Australia. What are your thoughts about this?
Assuming ICAPS is a fully virtual online conference, which format do you prefer? *
Have you attended any virtual online conferences recently? *
If you attended any fully virtual online conferences, what did you think were the things that worked best?
If you attended any fully virtual online conferences, what did you think were the things that need to change?
Please share with us any thoughts and ideas you may have about how to run an online edition of ICAPS in 2020.
Travel to Nancy in Late October
In this part of the questionnaire, we would like to get initial estimates how many people will be able to travel to Nancy in late October. For this part, please assume ICAPS will be held physically in Nancy in October 26th-30th, 2020.
Which country are you currently physically in? *
Will it be possible for you to travel to Nancy in late October, to participate in a physical edition of ICAPS? *
Do you personally intend to travel to Nancy in late October to participate in a physical edition of ICAPS? *
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