At A Better Way Tutoring, we believe in a personalized and engaging approach to education. Our mission is to provide students with both the tools they need to succeed academically, as well as the skills and confidence to become lifelong learners.
We understand that every student is unique, and we are dedicated to finding the best methods to help each individual thrive. We specialize in targeted instruction and interventions. By assessing your student to see exactly where they need additional support and by tailoring our tutoring plans to meet their specific needs, we truly offer a better way to learn.
- Experience in teaching and supporting students with dyslexia, ADHD, and other specific learning needs
- Trained in the Orton Gillingham approach
- 10 years in elementary education as a teacher, interventionist, researcher and professional development leader
- Licensed elementary education teacher
- MA in education (children's literacies) from the University of Georgia; BA in elementary education from Wake Forest University
Tutoring Packages
Gold Package includes:
- Pre-assessment
- Targeted instruction and interventions based on assessment data
- Progress monitoring for academic growth
- 36 sessions of 45 minutes
Silver Package includes:
- Pre-assessment
- Targeted instruction and interventions based on assessment data
- Progress monitoring for academic growth
- 24 sessions of 45 minutes
Bronze Package includes:
- Homework help
- Study skills
- Organization skills
- 12 sessions of 45 minutes
- 1-on-1 Tutoring: $60 per 45 minute session
- Prices vary for homeschool groups, depending on the number of students and time needed. Please reach out for more information. I would love to partner with you!
- Payment is submitted in advance