WCSO's "For the Joy of It" Book Form
The WCSO marks the triple anniversary of our formation as a community orchestra with the publication of "For the Joy of It".   Written by long-standing members, Marilynn Turner and Karl Zaenker, this book chronicles our unique history and current activities of our orchestra.  We thank you for your support in purchasing this book.
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Form of Payment *
For E-transfer Payment:  Please designate "West Coast Symphony” as recipient and use contribute@westcoastsymphony.ca as our email address. Our Interac account accepts auto-deposit so no security question is necessary.  
*Please include your Name and # of books purchased in the Interac memo section*

For Cheque Payment:  Please send cheques to the West Coast Symphony, 101-1001 West Broadway, #118, Vancouver BC, V6H-4E4

For purchasers outside the Lower Mainland:  If you require your books to be shipped, please email contribute@westcoastsymphony.ca to inquire about Canada Post mail rates before paying for your purchase
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