Eno Arts Mill Adult Scholarship Application
We at the Eno Arts Mill want everyone to be able enjoy the benefits of self expression, regardless of financial standing. Please fill out this confidential form so we may help.  

This form is to be completed by the student or an authorized representative of the student.

All information requested in this form is for that of the student.

All information provided in this form is confidential for use by the Orange County Arts Commission/Orange County Arts Alliance only and is used solely to determine eligibility.

Scholarships are limited and available only to those who express qualifying financial need. Some scholarships are partial and may require some financial contribution from the student.

Priority will be given to Orange County residents.

Depending on the cost of the class and the amount of assistance requested, the OCAC/OCAA may ask you to send us one of the following to verify your financial status:

- copy of your most recent tax return or
- copies of the last two pay stubs for all adults contributing to household expenses or
- copy of your current Medicaid Identification Card (MID)

Our staff will contact you if additional documentation is needed.
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