WRJ Northeast District Speakers Bureau – Request Form
Sisterhoods in good standing with both WRJ and the Northeast District are eligible to have a Northeast District Speaker visit at no charge once every two years.

Please submit your request six to eight weeks in advance of the desired date.
(The SUBMIT button is at the bottom of the form.)

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Patti Nacht at prn512@aol.com.

(updated March 29 2023)
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Sisterhood Name *
Sisterhood Street Address *
Sisterhood City *
Sisterhood State/Province *
Your Name *
Your Position *
Your Email Address *
Your Phone Number *
Best Time to Call *
Sisterhood President (if not you)
Date of Event *
Time of Event *
Check all areas that apply to this request *
What specific issues would you want your speaker to address? *
What is the theme of your program? *
Please provide any additional information about your sisterhood that will be helpful for your speaker.
Please provide any additional information about your sisterhood that will be helpful for your speaker.
Thank you.
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