Volunteer Information
We are so thrilled that you/your group would like to Volunteer for Family Promise of York County.  In order to help us know a little bit about yourself/group, please complete the following information.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Cindy at (803) 329-2456
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Group Name (if requesting for a group)
Primary Contact First and Last Name  *
Phone Number *
Email *
Number of Volunteers *
Age Range of Volunteers
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Are you needing to complete volunteer hours to fulfill any community service obligations?  
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If yes, please let us know who you are completing community service for and how many hours are you needing to complete:
Do you (or anyone in your group) have any skills/talents that they would like to volunteer to offer to the shelter?  i.e. good at handyman work, plumbing, painting, tutoring, etc.  
Please list below:
Would you or your group be interested in the following:
If you have a date(s) you would like to volunteer please list below: 
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