Submission form - 2024/25  International and Intergenerational AI-Human Collaborative Digital Story Writing Competition 國際AI人類協作數位故事寫作大賽

A22 Education For All Foundation

香港教育城 Hong Kong Education City

國際AI人類協作數位故事寫作大賽現正接受報名!大賽邀請來自世界各地的中小學生參與。所有參賽者將通過堂網上工作坊的學習, 並使用人工智能工具進行創意寫作(可以用英文或中文寫作), 讓AI啟發創作者的靈感。此外, 我們鼓勵同學和老友記一起進行寫作, 如果感興趣, 我們將安排一位老友記和你一起編寫電子書籍。在這個過程中,你可以幫助老友記學習資訊科技的技巧, 同時也可以從他們身上學得寶貴的人生經驗。

關於題材方面, 我們建議同學創作有關於人工智能如何幫助人類的故事,例如用AI科技來保護大自然。當然,人工智能只是其中一個主題,我們也非常歡迎參賽者自由選擇主題和內容,探索不同類型的寫作。

我們將為參賽者提供10 堂工作坊, 同學將學會使用人工智能工具(例如 Sudowrite)進行創意寫作,培養英語寫作技能、多媒體和人工智能素養。除此之外,也會學習使用AI工具(DeepAI、DALL-E)生成插圖, 鍛鍊 21 世紀技能(如溝通、協作、創造力、批判性思維等)。每位參賽者只能提交一份作品 (包括影片和 電子書兩部分) ,獲勝者將獲得精美獎品和證書。

This exciting AI-human collaborative competition is for students (primary and secondary) and older adults (55+) from around the world to work together on a digital story/book (fiction or nonfiction). Students and older adults are encouraged to use artificial intelligence (AI) tools to help write creatively and collaboratively. Each team can write a story/book about how AI and robots can help improve our everyday life. Although we recommend participants to write about AI and robots, we also welcome participants to write on any other topics. In any case, participants (younger and older) will learn a new way of writing - AI-empowered writing. Though we try to promote intergenerational participation, teams without a younger or older partner can still participate in this fun event. 

The winners will receive attractive prizes! To equip students with the knowledge and skills to participate competently in this interesting competition, 10 workshops will be offered for free to the participants! 

參賽組別: 初小、高小、初中、高中 、女子 、來自其他國家的學生組別(例如巴基斯坦、加拿大)


截止報名日期:2024 年 12月9日

🔨AI 工具 :Sudowrite, DALL-E, DeepAI, Canva AI

語言:英語為主 (中文亦可)
作品提交:參賽者必須在2025 年 4月21日

小學組:27/4/2025 10:00am - 12:30pm
中學組:27/4/2025 12:30am - 3:00pm

🏆每組最多將有 10 名獲獎者。獎項設冠軍、亞軍、季軍、優異獎(7名)。


如有任何疑問,請與 Ms. Miura Luo ( or Mr. Davy Ng ( 聯繫。

🔗Registration link:

Deadline for registration: December 9, 2024

🔨AI tools: Sudowrite, DALL-E, DeepAI, Canva AI

Language: Mainly English (Chinese is also available)
Submission of works: Participants must submit their work on April 21, 2025
Or fill in the form before and submit your work at the following link:

Game date and time (online):
Primary school group: 27/4/2025 10:00am - 12:30pm
Secondary school group: 27/4/2025 12:30am - 3:00pm

🏆There will be a maximum of 10 winners per group. Awards include champion, runner-up, third runner-up, and merit award (7 winners).

Please check the following link for details:

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Miura Luo ( or Dr. Davy Ng (

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1.  Last Name 
2. 名 First Name 
3a. 國家/地區 Country/region that you are staying currently
3b. 國家/地區 Country/region that you are from
4. 年級 Grade/Level
5. 學校名稱 School Name
6. 電話號碼 Mobile Number
7. 電郵 Email
8. 參賽組別 Entry category
9a. 是否與老友記一同參與創作 Have you co-authored with the senior adults?
9b. 是否與來自其他國家的同學一同參與創作 Have you co-authored with the students from other countries?
10. 故事名稱 Title of eBook
11. 電子書連結 URL to access your eBook 
(e.g. Hayden Man Saves The World ). You may want to use StoryJumper, if not, something better.
12. YouTube 連結 URL of the YouTube Video
13. 故事純文字檔案 (如有) Text of your story on a Google Doc Link
Please provide the google doc link (if have) to access the text. 
14. 你和AI 的傾談紀錄 Your conversations and/or prompts with AI tools  (e.g., What questions have you asked GPT? How you prompt your AI?)
Please provide the google doc link (if have) to access the text. 
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