Collective Resilience: Scholarship Application
Applications are reviewed ~2 months before a training and weekly until the start of a training if scholarships spots are still available. Recipients will be notified of their status directly. We also keep a scholarship waiting list, as sometimes spots will open up. Please do not also register for the training you are applying for before you hear from us as refunds or prorates will not be available.

**You will receive a decision via email approximately 4-6 weeks before the training/ group from "INFO@COLLECTIVERESILIENCEYOGA.COM" - PLEASE ADD THIS EMAIL ADDRESS TO YOUR "SAFE SENDER LIST" and/or check your spam folder regularly, as responses sometimes end up there**

PLEASE NOTE: If you have any mental health issues or a current mental health diagnosis, we ask for a note from your therapist indicating that they feel a training like this is appropriate for you at this time. If you’re not sure this training is appropriate for you, please email Hala, Kyra, or RW directly and they can help you assess. This training may not be appropriate for people with active PTSD symptoms as it can be overwhelming to be talking about trauma in a group setting without adequate support. People are incredibly resilient, however, so exceptions can always be made.  
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Name *
Pronouns *
Birthday *
Email address *
What is a secondary way we can get in touch with you in case we don't receive a response from you via email? (Secondary email address, phone number)? *
Street address *
City *
State *
Zip code *
Which training/s would you like your scholarship application to be considered for? *
Mentorship Groups, Intermediate Trainings, and the Advanced Training all have prerequisites you must complete before attending them. If you're applying for a scholarship for one of these trainings, please list the prerequisites you've fulfilled. If you're applying for a Foundational training scholarship, write "N/A" *
How long have you been practicing yoga on a regular basis? If not regularly, what is your experience with yoga? (Please disregard this question if you're applying for the Trauma & Embodied Social Justice module)
Are you applying for: *
Are you planning to complete the entire Collective Resilience Trauma-Informed Yoga & Somatics Certification? *
While we make scholarship determinations separately for each module or mentorship group, for students who intend to complete the entire Certification program, if you are offered a scholarship for the initial Foundational trainings, we will do our best to prioritize you for scholarships for subsequent modules, should you need them.
Do you have any injuries or medical challenges? If so, please describe. *
Do you presently teach yoga? *
If yes to the above, how long and where? If no to the above, would you like to teach? *
What is your experience working with trauma-impacted communities? *
How do you foresee using the skills and information offered in this training in your work in the world? *
In an attempt to support people who have typically been marginalized or excluded, or not had access to yoga or other healing modalities, please share if you identify as coming from one of these groups. (i.e., POCs, LGBTQIA+, person with a disability, low income, etc).   *
Please explain any financial hardships that make it difficult to pay for all, or a percentage, of this training. (note: if you've already recently shared this information with us on another training scholarship application, please write "already shared") *
Please check off that you have read the following FAQs. Thanks! *
Any additional comments or questions?
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