TerraSol Car, Van & RV Camping Reservation
(If you are coming on foot or by bicycle, do NOT use this form. Go to https://forms.gle/MDT2BUKXCnFDXofh9 instead.)

TerraSol offers friendly hostel-style camping with small-scale and simple facilities.
 • Cars, vans and small RVs (24' max). Small trailers ok. No 5th-wheels or coaches.
 • Back-in spaces only.
 • No hook-ups. Water spigot and electricity for charging available.
 • 3-night maximum
$25 per night for one person, $35 for two. Pay when you arrive with CASH, VENMO or PAYPAL.

Learn about amenities at https://www.marytolena.com/terrasol/camping-patagonia-terrasol/

Once you fill out this form, I'll get back to you to confirm availability. For same-day bookings, or if you need to know immediately, fill out this form, then text me at 520-987-0770.  — Mary
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Email *
3. NAMES(s) of Campers. (Please give real names — that’s how I keep track of your booking.)
4. PHONE *
5. TYPE of vehicle
6. Sleep in Vehicle or Tent?
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7. About what TIME / time of day do you expect to arrive?
8. Briefly, what brings you to Patagonia? *
9. How many people in your vehicle? *
10. Do you want to park your vehicle while out hiking or bikepacking? ($5 per night.) How many nights?
11. Anything else you want to ask or mention?
Will you have a pet (on leash)?
If you are part of a group of people registering separately, what are their names?
Thanks for reserving!  Watch for confirmation email.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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