Manchester United Girls Academy Trials - Expression of Interest, 2024/25.

In line with the club's rich history in developing young players, Manchester United provide the opportunities for girls to play football at the highest level with the aim of creating the most successful talent development programme by maximising individual player potential.

Please use this form to register your daughter's interest in becoming part of the Manchester United Youth Pathway.

Once the registration period closes (21st March), every player will go on our database whereby players might be:

  • Invited to a trial.
  • Observed by our scout network.

Please be aware that we can only accept players for trial who live within a 60-minute travel time of our training facility at Eccles Sixth Form College, Chatsworth Road, Eccles, M30 9FJ.

The deadline for applications is Thursday 21st March.

Please note that due to the high volume of referrals we receive, we cannot guarantee that we will either respond to your submission, nor offer you a trial.

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Player's name *
Address *
Please enter the first line of your address including house name or number and street.
Please enter the second line of your address.
Town / City *
Please enter your town or city.
Country *
Please enter your country of residence.
Postcode *
Please enter your postal code.
Parent or guardian's contact telephone number *
Please enter a contact telephone number.
Parent or guardian's e-mail address *
Please enter the email address of your parent or guardian.
Player's Date of Birth *
Your daughter's preferred playing position *
Please enter your daughter's preferred playing position.
What is the name of the current club that your daughter plays for? *
Please enter the name of your daughter's current club(s) and state if it is a girls or mixed team.
Please name any other previous clubs your daughter has played for.
What will be your daughter's school year from September 2024? *
Please enter your school year as of September 2024 and not what they are in now. (Please note we can only accept applications from pupils from school years 5 to 10)

Please detail below, if you have been involved in any county, regional or national level representation in football (e.g. county schools, FA NW Talent Sessions, international level. Also, which FA ETC, RTC / Girls Academy you have been at if applicable?

Please tick the box below to acknowledge that you have read and understood our privacy policy and that you are happy for Manchester United Foundation to process your personal data as part of this registration. *
You can view our privacy policy at
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