Pilgrim's Passport Registration Form SRM
Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ
Kindly complete the following form to receive your individual Pilgrim's Passport for use at the Sacred Sites and Jubilee events. This form will be used for the Santa Rosa/Malabar Cluster ONLY!! Visitors/pilgrims should note that personal data will be collated on an Archdiocesan database to keep persons updated on all things Jubilee and will not be used for any other purpose.
Passports can be collected from members of the Jubilee team before or after Masses at all parishes/communities, in the cluster, from Saturday 4th January 2025.
May the grace of the Jubilee be with us as we journey together as Pilgrims of HOPE!!

The SRM Jubilee Team
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Kindly choose your main community of worship within the cluster. *
Captionless Image
Surname *
First Name *
Gender *
Select your age range: *
Email address
Contact Number *
Church Ministry Membership within the parish (kindly indicate in which church ministry/ministries you are currently serving, if any)
Pilgrim's Passport Number (for official use only)
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