Big Bo, LLC operator, of all private and state of Arizona lease lands compromised of what is known as the Big Boquillas Ranch, located in Mohave, Coconino, Yavapai Counties, Arizona, as a condition of and in order to allow the undersigned persons to enter, access and/or perform hunting, recreational or any other access related services or uses require that you, the undersigned, recognize the risks inherent in participating and or conducting any and all activities, recreational or otherwise (not limited to specific activities) on the described Big Boquillas Ranch, to assume those risks, and to release all named parties from liability. The undersigned both on behalf of myself and/or as the parent or legal guardian of minors allowed entry hold harmless and release Big Bo LLC, Cholla Livestock, LLC, the State of Arizona and The Navajo Nation and their Managers, employees, members, and agents (the “released parties”) from all liability arising on or from the Ranch or the property use due to the negligence, acts or omissions of any person. The undersigned agree to bring no claims, demands or lawsuits against any related parties for any economic or non-economic loss due to bodily injury, death, or property damage sustained by either myself and or my minor child or legal ward arising from or in relation to any and all (not limited to) recreational, sports related, hunting related and any other activities conducted 9with or without permission) on the lands, improvements, roads, trails, facilities, programs or operations of or at Big Boquillas ranch. This release includes, but is not limited to any loss arising from or connected with hunting, walking, hiking, driving, biking, riding, camping, operating, or as a passenger in vehicles or otherwise being on the Ranch, near livestock (inclusive of horse and cattle) owned by or in the care, custody or control of Big Bo, LLC and Cholla Livestock, LLC the condition of trails, roads, corrals, fences or other facilities or terrain upon which horses are ridden, cars, trucks or any other vehicles are driven an mountain bikes are ridden. We also indemnify and hold harmless the released parties from any liability or loss they may incur because of any lack of capacity or defect in capacity to act on behalf of a minor child or ward in executing this agreement. If an action is brought by the undersigned, they agree to pay released parties damages, attorney’s fees and court costs, I agree to be responsible to pay for all damages which the minor or I cause, plus attorney’s fees and Court costs.

The undersigned have read and understand the foregoing and release all the above released parties form liability and assume all risks. I and we understand that we accept all risks associated with participating and or conducting any and all activities described and give up certain legal rights, including the right to recover damages in case of injury, death or property damage, for ourselves and for our children or ward. We also agree that the law of the State of Arizona govern this agreement.

I and we agree that any cause of action arising from participating individually or in groups and or activities for any cause of action pertaining to this agreement shall be filed in the County and State where it was entered into by the parties, to wit, Coconino County, Arizona. 

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I have personally read the Big Boquillas Ranch Rules and the BIG BOQUILLAS RANCH LIABILITY RELEASE. I understand the documents and agree to comply with all aspects of both documents.

* Agreement Confirmation: Please note that by entering your name, you confirm that all of the above information is accurate and truthful. Your printed name will serve as your signature.

A copy of your response will be emailed to the address you provided.
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