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Now What?! Email List and April-May 2022 Registration
Use this form to add yourself to our mailing list, register for the April-May 2022 edition of the Now What?! gathering and gift economy, and (if desired) to be listed on the network map as a participant.
You can view the current map here:
Just looking for your mapping dashboard link? Retrieve it here:
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Why we are asking for your email
We collect email addresses so we can follow up with registrants. You can indicate below if you want to be added to our regular email list and if you want your email to appear on the map or not.
First Name
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
Do you want to be added to the Now What?! email list?
Expect to receive three or four emails before each edition begins, up to two or three maximum per week during each gathering, and up to one a month in between gatherings
I'm on it already
Are you planning to participate in the April-May 2022 edition of Now What?!
Participate as much or as little as you wish--there is no expectation implied by your registering. And registering itself is a form of "showing up," especially if you opt into being on our network map!
I'm not sure
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