Heya, for CLASH Festival 2020 we are looking to expand our dedicated crew!
Are you a helper, runner, art-supporter or ticketing pro? Then this form is for you to fill in.
We are looking for crew to help us out on the 11th and 12th of April!
You can expect that we take good care of you, offer interesting work and make you one of the creators of our festival.

Obviously we treat your personal information delicately. Further questions? Mail to: - it is possible that answers to your questions will end up in your spam folder, so please check that!
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Personal details
The minimum age to be working at CLASH is 18 yrs.  
First and surname
Email address *
Date of birth *
Phone number *
Preference and experience
Below you can indicate your preferences in order from 'most lovely' to 'preferably not' (or rather just 'slightly less happy' of course). We have 'show' functions on 11 April (in the evening) and on 12 April (during the day). In addition, we are also looking for a group of builders on 10 April and breakers on 13 April.
We try to take your preference as much as possible into account! Unfortunately, we can not always guarantee your number one preference. It has no use to put in the same preference twice #robot
Preference #1 *
Preference #2 *
Work experience? *
Additional info
Vegetarian? *
Is there anything else that we need to be aware of?
Working with a friend
Please send an email to titled 'working with a friend' if you want to work together with your friend(s).
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