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Which of these words needs a capital letter?
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Which of these sentences need a question mark?
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Write two adjectives to describe the sky.
Tick the noun phrase
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Which sentence is written in the present tense?
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Why does Leon need a capital letter?
Can you write some sentences using past tense?
Can you make these two words into a contraction? ‘have not’
Describe in one sentence what is happening in the picture. Remember to use the correct punctuation. *
Captionless Image
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Pick the correct option to complete the sentence. ———— all going to the park.
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Tick the correct word to complete the sentence.            It is raining outside ————- I can put my coat on.
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The word shoes is a......
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Which suffix goes on the end of thank_____
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What type of sentence is this?                                         The boy ran across the road
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Can you think of two adverbs to describe this animal?
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