Women academics during lockdown
Dear Colleague,

We are conducting this survey, which addresses only  women academics, as part of the H2020 TARGET project "Taking a Reflexive approach to Gender Equality for Institutional Transformation" (https://www.gendertarget.eu/), to study the possible impacts that the confinement could have had on the progress of our teaching, particularly in the E-learning format as well as the progress of our research productions.

Through this study, we wish to capitalize and share our experiences, in E-learning in particular. While these experiences are not entirely successful for various reasons that include but are not limited to, family conditions which are often quite difficult for young mothers. But each of these experiences deserves to be analyzed because it carries with it very instructive learning elements for better advancement in our professional life at university. An enlarged dialogue allows to value and capitalize on all these experiences.

We are committed to ensuring the complete confidentiality of this survey (no personal information of the identifying type (surname, first name, ...) is requested, moreover the type of form has been chosen so that the email address of the participant is not collected)..

Looking forward to your cooperation and thanking you very much in advance for the attention you are giving to this study, we will share the results of this survey.


Pr. Najoua Essoukri Ben Amara
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1° Please indicate your level: *
2° Please indicate the country you are from: *
3° Please choose one of the following options regarding your civil status: *
4° Please indicate your age group : *
5° If you have children, please indicate their age group : *
6° Have you had the experience of providing online classes before the lockdown ? *
7° Have you been able to continue giving out your classes (initially on-campus) in an E-learning format during the lockdown? *
8° If yes, how did you like the experience ? *
9° Taking this experience in consideration, are you for keepig it going (including in a hybride formula) outside of the lockdown context ? *
10° What do you suggest as a means to improve your online work conditions? *
11° What was the average attendance rate of your students? *
12° If you have provided online classes, would you say that you have reached your online teaching goals and met your on-campus teaching ones? *
13° If you have provided online classes, would you say that your students have well understood their courses? *
14° Have you been able to make evaluations? *
15° At the level of your research activity, have you been able to hold online meeting with your researchers? *
16° Did you submit work to be published during this lockdown period, participated in some calls for projects or other ? *
17° If yes, please add more precise details on your activity. *
18° If not, please explain the reasons behind. *
19° If you are married, does your epouse normally contribute to the care-taking of the children and to the household expenses? If yes, how do you assess this contribution as a percentage,? If not, what are the possible reasons? *
20° If you are living with your parents, do you need to personally provide care for them? *
21° Are you busier during the lockdown than usual? *
22° During the lockdown, do you devote more time for your family than usual as a choice or an obligation ? *
23° Do you think that the COVID-19 pandemic encourages us to start a dialogue within universities on gender equality issues ? *
24° Do you think that universities should introduce measures in favor of gender equality? *
25° What is your stand on the gender-based payed parental leave scheme ? *
26° Do you think that "a climate favorable to the integration of professional and family responsibilities is essential so that female professors can participate equally with their male colleagues in higher education", is lacking? *
27° Do you think that higer education professionals should benefit from a certain flexibility when it comes to their leave planification in order to allow them to respond to their family needs? *
28° Do you face gender bias in any activity and promotion at your place of work? *
29° Do you  think that we need changes to the societal normes and role models that are presented to women? *
30° Do you think that universities take into account in their training to deal with the issue of gender in their curricula so as to raise awareness among young people and change their mindset in relation to gender equality? *
31° While thanking you for your time and your interest in this survey, we kindly ask that you give any other information that you think would add to this study. *
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