Equipment Booking form
Reserve a piece of equipment at the Davis Family Library circulation desk
Please make your booking at least 24 hours in advance of pickup. Email with any questions.
Here is a detailed list of all of the equipment that we loan out at the Davis Family and Armstrong libraries.
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Email *
Your name (Last, First) *
Your 6-digit college ID number (leave off the first two zeros)
Type of equipment
You may select more than one item to book at a time.
Desired date of pickup *
Desired date of return
Most equipment loans (other than laptops) are 3-day loans. We will try to honor requests for longer time periods where possible.
Anything else we should know?
I understand that my booking is not guaranteed until I receive a confirmation email from Library Circulation. I understand that I must be present with my college ID to pick up this equipment. I understand that I am fully responsible for this equipment and all of its parts and components and will be charged for the replacement of any lost or broken items.
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