The FA Charter Standard accreditation is for clubs who can be proud to be places where people want to play football. These are the clubs who demonstrate they offer well-run and sustainable football.

Each month Middlesex FA want to recognise and celebrate the hard work of its Charter Standard clubs. Whether you are a 1 team club or a 50 team club, its the little things that count. Each nomination will be considered on an individual basis, but please see below for suggested criteria.

The winning clubs will receive funding, a club profile social media article and automatic nomination for the Charter Standard Club of the Year grassroots award.

Let us know why you think your club should be considered for this award.

If your club is not yet Charter Standard, find out how you can gain the accreditation by contacting or your local Football Development Officer.

- Engaging with the CFA
- Good Discipline Record
- Timely AHC Completion
- Good Social Media Usage (Levels of activity as well as safety online)
- Good Transition/Community Work with Schools and Wider Networks
- Actively on Top of Qualifications
- External Funding
- Stable Club Finances and Committee
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Club Name *
Nominee Name *
Nominee Role *
Borough *
Club Social Media Platforms - please give Twitter/Instagram/Facebook and any other platform handles and details (if you don't have any please mention) *
What has your club done to meet any of the suggested criteria? (please expand on criteria points and mention anything in addition you think we should know about - note: you don't have to meet all of the criteria at once) *
Thank you for nominating your club for Charter Standard Club of the Month. Your application will be reviewed and considered over the coming months. As this is an ongoing award, please update us as the season goes with anything new you do which you think we should take into consideration.
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