Webinar #152 Climbing Efficiently w/ Taylor Hamel
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In what country is DMM located?
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What is more efficient
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The Hitch Climber pulley may NEVER be used as a remote anchor.
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What is the MBS of the Hitch Climber pulley (PUL100)?
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Which carabiner shape is best for symmetry?
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What is the MBS of the Hitch Climber Eccentric?
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How many actions are required to FULLY OPEN a DMM Durolock gate mechanism?
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Who are the treemagineers?
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Who is the current NATCC Women's Champion?
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Who is the current ETCC Women's Champion
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Why is managing slack in your climbing line so difficult?
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When using a throwing hook, how do you verify that it is anchored properly?
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What are the advantages of using a 6-coil prusik when tying the add-in prusik?
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While using the V-rig (M-method) why are pulleys recommended?
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The V-rig (M-method) uses twice as much rope as a typical MRS (DdRT) system.
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When might friction be desired while using the V-rig (M-method)?
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The add-in prusik is useful for a variety of techniques, such as...
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What are the 4 words in the throwline mantra
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Why is pure polyester not the greatest choice for a moving friction hitch?
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