You are invited to the Metro D.C. Synod’s first Faith in Action Racial Equity Network virtual meeting on Thursday, July 21 at 7:00 - 8:30 PM on Zoom! Come to hear from congregations around the synod and what they are doing to promote racial equity and how you too can start a racial equity team in your congregation. Whether you have a lot of experience to share or just want to hear what others have done, this virtual meeting is for you.
You can expect to learn:
From members of four congregations within the synod that have active Racial Equity/Justice Teams.
Insights into the congregation's journey in racial equity initiatives including what worked for them and what didn't.
About a wide variety of ways congregations can engage in racial equity work.
The meeting will also provide opportunities for smaller group brainstorming and conversation, and time will be given to ask questions and help shape the work of the Faith in Action Network over the coming year.
Please RSVP below if you plan to attend! If you have any questions, please reach out to lay leader Shannon Spence at
Join Zoom Meeting - ID: 869 4789 3128
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