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Training Interest Form
Kindly fill this form to initiate the training process.
For Staff of your organization, send an email to or WhatsApp/Call +234 906 097 3317
Sign in to Google
to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Full Name
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
City of Residence
Your answer
Country of Residence
Your answer
Organization/Business/School (as applicable)
Your answer
I want to book training sessions for
My Staff
My Students
My Kids
If for kids or staff, how many?
Your answer
Age Range
Below 10
10 - 17
18 to 25
26 to 35
36 to 50
Above 50
Training Mode
Personalized Training Schedule - How many hours can you commit to?
4 Hours Daily
3 Hours Daily
2 Hour Daily
What date are you looking at starting?
Your answer
Select training course(s)
Microsoft Office Starter Course - Word, PowerPoint, Basic Excel
Microsoft Office Intermediate Course - Word, PowerPoint, Intermediate Excel, Project, Visio
Microsoft Office Collaboration Course - SharePoint, Outlook, One Drive, Skype, Teams, To-do etc.
Data Analysis with Excel
Data Analysis with SPSS
Web Design with WordPress
Web Programming with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL
Artificial Intelligence User Pro Course
Basics of Networking
Graphic Design Course
Basics of Branding
Digital Marketing Fundamentals
Google Marketing Course
Social Media Marketing Course
Basics of Computing for Kids
Programming for Kids
Virtual Assistance Pro Course
Entrepreneurship 101
The Art of Business Writing
Business Models and Processes
Business Analysis
Customer Experience Course
Leadership 101
What goal do you want to achieve with this training?
Your answer
Additional Comments/Information
Your answer
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