Government Affairs Committee Application
The Government Affairs Committee identifies and analyzes issues relevant to the real estate industry, developing policy positions for consideration by the Board of Directors. The Committee works to ensure that DMAR collaborates with elected officials and community leaders to promote a healthy real estate market and industry.
First and Last Name *
Email Address *
What company are you with? *
Number of years licensed *
Why are you interested in joining the Government Affairs Committee? *
What do you believe are the biggest political issues facing the real estate industry? *

Do you have any prior advocacy experience at the local level, such as engaging with or commenting on specific issues? If yes, please describe your experience.

In which jurisdiction do you reside? Do you have any existing relationships with elected officials in your city, county or other jurisdictions? If so, please describe. *

What do you hope to gain from your involvement with this Committee?

Are you familiar with and do you invest in the Realtors® Political Action Committee (RPAC)? *
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