How do you rate your ability to apply engineering knowledge in finding solutions to complex engineering problems?(PO1) *
Not so well
Very well
How do you rate your skills in problem analysis?(PO2) *
Not so well
Very well
How do you rate your proficiency in the design and development of solutions for complex engineering problems?(PO3) *
Not so well
Very well
How do you rate your competency in knowledge acquired to conduct research based investigations for complex problems?(PO4) *
Not so well
Very well
How do you rate your ability to learn and use modern engineering and IT tools?(PO5) *
Not so well
Very well
How do you rate your reasoning ability to assess the societal problems as an engineer?(PO6) *
Not so well
Very well
How do you rate your ability to comprehend the impact of engineering solutions on environment and sustainability?(PO7) *
Not so well
Very well
How do you rate your commitment to professional ethics and moral values?(PO8) *
Not so well
Very well
How do you rate your capacity to function as a team member or leader in multidisciplinary projects?(PO9) *
Not so well
Very well
How do you rate your oral and written communication skills?(PO10) *
Not so well
Very well
How do you rate your skills pertaining to project management?(PO11) *
Not so well
Very well
How do you rate your preparedness for lifelong learning?(PO12) *
Not so well
Very well
How do you able to apply skills on the basis of mathematical and programming foundations in the development of computational solutions to design software and hardware.(PSO1) *
Not so well
Very well
How well you can work in interdisciplinary environment to conduct Research and development of a product (PSO2) *
Not so well
Very well
How well you have learn new technologies for effectively using them in your future endeavors(PSO3) *