What should we name Bluffton's history group?
Click on the button below to vote on a name for our history group. There are eight choices of group names proposed by the naming subcommittee for you to choose from. Please vote on your favorite(s) by ticking the box.
Please note, we've been strongly advised by local organizations to ensure Ohio is somewhere in our title, to differentiate ourselves from other Blufftons in the USA.
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Please read the list of proposed names, with a short rationale below each for why this name would best suit our group. Then, scroll down and tick the box of your TWO favorite names:
Bluffton Ohio Historical Society
- This clearly states what our group is and does.
Bluffton Ohio History Club
- A club is a group dedicated to a particular interest of activity. Again, clearly states what our group is about.
Bluffton Ohio Heritage Group
- Often the word "history" turns away the younger generations. Calling ourselves a Heritage Group might draw a wider demographic. Heritage also encompasses our inheritance as Blufftonites, and is more personal than "history."
Heritage Group of Bluffton Ohio
- Slight variation to the above.
Bluffton Ohio Preservation Society
- BOPS for short.
Bluffton Heritage Hub of Ohio
- "The Hub" was a restaurant in Bluffton in the '30s. It has the connotation of being a club or gathering, but has a more modern ring to it than the word society or club, which may appeal to younger generations. We could call it Heritage Hub for short.
Best Town Commission of Bluffton, Ohio
- If we, ultimately, want the museum to draw people from outside Bluffton, there needs to be a creative marketing "hook" to pique tourist curiosity. The "Best Town" overall theme, versus a straight "history" orientation, not only does that in a dramatic way, but would open the door for the museum/facility to be a vibrant mix of past and present. Examples: B&W backdrop of old Pirate/Beaver athletes, w/ some color photos of current athletes (like gold medalist Trevor Bassitt), same with actors, journalists, photographers, politicians, village businesses... etc.
Past Forward Bluffton Ohio
- If we want to draw not only Blufftonites of all ages, but also outsiders, then something catchy like this might work. But it also still encompasses what this group wants to achieve, which is promote our history and our town.
Tick the box for the TWO names you like best from the below list:
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