Book a SCENTSCAPE session! 
Welcome to Scentscape, Gurugram's first sensory garden for dogs. I'm so excited to welcome your dog and you to this lovely space that promises to be an enriching experience for your dog. Please keep the following things in mind as you book your dog's session: 

1. Each session will last for 45 minutes. You can choose to end the session with a short sniffari with me as well. The session for 1 dog is priced at INR 1000; for 2 dogs together is priced at INR but 1250
2. Note that this is a SOLO session - your dog will not be interacting with other dogs in this space unless you book a multi dog session with a known dog
3. Please ensure that you dog has eaten a light/small meal before coming in
4. Please make sure your dog had the opportunity to eliminate before they come in - there is ample space outside of the garden for this
5. The garden is in a residential neighbourhood - while your dog won't be able to see other dogs outside, they might hear an occasional barking or hear cars passing by 
6. This is a private residence and so we expect you to NOT share the address with anyone
8. Please note that you will be fully responsible for your dog while on the premises
9. Please note that your dog is encouraged to use the garden off leash. You can have a leash on them but would encourage you to sit and observe the session so that they can independently move in the space
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Name: *
Phone number: *
Address: *
Your dog's name: *
Your dog's breed: *
Your dog's age: *
Has your dog been to a sensory garden before? *
Is your dog deaf/blind? *
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