Coalition to Prevent Chemical Disasters Membership Questionnaire
Please complete this form if you are interested in joining the leadership group of the Coalition to Prevent Chemical Disasters.
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Your Name *
Your Email *
Your Organization *

What are your organization's values and how do they align with those of the coalition?


How have you engaged on chemical disaster prevention and the shift to safer alternatives in the past, and how does that work fit into your organization's overall policy and advocacy strategy moving forward?


Our biweekly calls occur every other Wednesday at 12-1pm ET. Can you commit to regular attendance and participation at these meetings?

What other capacity, relationships, or other resources do you have that you feel would add value to the coalition's leadership group of environmental, environmental justice, and labor organizations?
In addition to joining regular calls, coalition members are expected to participate in consensus-based decision-making; contribute to research and advocacy by the coalition, as they are able; and show up in the space with a spirit of collaboration and keep other members apprised of your work on chemical disaster issues. Members should never make decisions or statements about coalition positions with external stakeholders without first consulting fellow members or previously agreed-upon policy documents.

If you agree to these memberships guidelines, please initial below.
Thank you! We will follow up with you shortly.
If you have any questions, please contact us here.
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