Water Steward Pledge
I pledge to be a better care taker of the water and reduce my impact on local waterways. 

Personal data is information about you that identifies you as an individual, for example, your name, postal code, or e-mail address. The Junction Creek Stewardship Committee (JCSC) is committed to comply with Canadian Federal and Provincial privacy laws and regulations including the Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act and Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL). We collect personal data that is voluntarily provided to us through form responses. This data is stored and retained internally and will not be disclosed to anyone outside of JCSC except to comply with legal requirements such as a law, regulation, warrant, subpoena or court order. We will not knowingly share your data with any other third parties. 
*email collection is for the purpose of receiving a copy of your response * 
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First Name *
Last Name *
Postal Code *
What actions are you committing to be a water steward? (Select all that apply) 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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