Dear Parent/Guardian:

In accordance with board policy, the Wantagh School District provides transportation for district resident students who attend private and parochial schools, for schools located within 15 miles of the student’s home.  If you would like to apply for this transportation service, you must complete the enclosed application  no later than April 1st.  Applications for transportation for the 2024-2025 school year submitted after April 1, 2024 will not be considered.

Applications for transportation must be submitted annually even if the student already attends the private/parochial school.  If you presently are applying for admission to several private/parochial schools, you are required to apply for transportation for each potential school to ensure that arrangements can be made.  Once a school is selected, please notify our Transportation Office so that transportation to the other schools can be cancelled.

Late bus service will be provided for secondary students upon request, however, a minimum of six students is required.  You will receive notification in August if the minimum number of requests has not been met.

Please note that when the Wantagh School District is closed, transportation to the private/parochial school is dependent on the carrier.  Our Transportation Office can provide this information to you to assist you in making alternative arrangements if required.  The Wantagh school calendar can be accessed at www.wantaghschools.org.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Transportation department at (516) 765-4155 or email transportation@wantaghschools.org 

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