Gordon Allport
Nov. 11, 1897 - Oct. 9, 1967. American Psychologist.
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1. Characteristic of a mature personality. The capacity to consciously act in new and innovative ways, and causing the environment to react to them.
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2. Six criteria of a mature personality.
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3. General characteristics held in common by many people. Provides the means by which people within a given culture can be compared to one another.
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4. Generalized neuropsychic structure peculiar to the individual. This has the capacity to initiate and guide consistent forms of adaptive and stylistic behavior.
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5. Intensely experienced dispositions. These come from basic needs and drives. Initiates actions.
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6. Less intensely experienced dispositions. Possesses some motivational power. Guides actions.
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7. Behaviors and characteristics that people regard as warm, central, and important in their lives that they regard as peculiarly theirs.
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8. Motivation that reduces a need.
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9. Motivation that seeks to maintain tension and disequilibrium.
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10. Habits and behaviors that are not part of one's proprium. Also the tendency of an impression to leave an influence on subsequent experience.
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