Big Plant Month
The GROW Team is here to help you pick the perfect large plant for your home.
We just need a bit of information first.
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Name and Phone Number
Option 1: I know exactly what I want and know I have the perfect space. Please order me a ...
Option 2: I'm going to need more guidance. Here is roughly what I am looking for... (continue on for more questions)
How would you describe your lighting?
Full sun all day
Bright Space but not full sun (Bright Indirect)
Moderate Lighting (North Windows or across the room from bright windows)
Lower Light ( In need a light on to read a book during the day)
Approximately what height are you looking for?
What is your plant budget? Plant and Pot Budget?
Lastly, any major concerns or ideas...
Does it need to be pet friendly?
Do you have a heat vent near where you want to put it?
Anything particular you are thinking about?
Anything you know you absolutely don't want?
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